رأي الخبير
آخر تقييم مستخدم إيجابي(لم يتم التحقق من مراجعات المستخدمين)
آخر تقييم مستخدم سلبي(لم يتم التحقق من مراجعات المستخدمين)
رأي الخبير
من الخارج، تبدو NordVPN خدمة مبهرة جدًا. تزعم أن لديها شبكة خوادم عالمية ضخمة، واتصالات موثوقة، وخصائص حماية وخصوصية قوية. بالإضافة لذلك، يمكنك الحصول عليها مقابل $3.39/month فقط. كل ذلك يبدو رائعًا، لكن أين المشكلة؟
لمعرفة ذلك...
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آخر تقييم مستخدم إيجابي
على الأرجح هو أفضل VPN قمت باستخدامه على الإطلاق
أفضل VPN استخدمته على الإطلاق، إنه بسيط للغاية في تحميله واستخدامه في الوصول إلى شبكة الإنترنت، انا أت... ركه مفعلاً طول الوقت. ثبات الاتصال مثير للدهشة ! لقد قمت بتوصيله منذ يومين على جهاز أندرويد ولا زال يعمل حتى الآن.المزيد
آخر تقييم مستخدم سلبي
BUYER BEWARE! If you purchase NordVPN, it will throttle your interned speed/connectivity by 50%, like ... it did to mine. I pay $100/month to get speeds of nearly 600mbs. With NordVPN turned on, my speeds decrease to 250mbs.
Nord’s “customer support” is useless and unprofessional, and, after nearly 3 weeks of endless “try this, try that”, they were unable to resolve the issue and blamed it on everything under the sun except their product, when it is OBVIOUS that, since I have zero speed issues with Nord turned off, and ONLY experience the issues with Nord turned on, it is NordVPN that is causing the issue.
When I asked them for a refund of my one year subscription paid in advance and in good faith, they refused, and have now decided to ignore me.
So, YOU’VE BEEN WARNED. Their VPN will devastate your internet speeds, their “support” is ridiculous, they are in denial, and they will not refund your money, even if their product is a failure…المزيد
رأي الخبير
Malwarebytes offers one of the most respected antivirus software. In 2019, it partnered with Mullvad to use its network of servers and create Malwarebytes Privacy VPN. However, there have been complaints that Malwarebytes Privacy is just an inferior version of Mullvad VPN. So, is there any reason to use it?
After my tests, I can say you’re better off using a premium VPN. Malwarebytes VPN doe...
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آخر تقييم مستخدم إيجابي
Works Fine For Me.
I've had Malwarebytes VPN for over a year now. Being that I've used their anti-virus suite for years n... ow, I added it on because it was offered as an addon for only $1.98 CAD / month, for all of my devices. I've primarily used it when I was on public or open networks. About 3 months ago, I wanted to see something on Netflix that was only available in the U.S. I switched from a Canadian server to an American one and... It wouldn't unlock. So I closed my browser and then switched to another U.S. server and then opened my browser and voila! I had full access to the U.S. Netflix and have continued to use it for Netflix. That is the extent of my use and experience with a VPN. Aside from the initial hiccup, it has done what I wanted it to do thus far.المزيد
آخر تقييم مستخدم سلبي
Tend to agree with the review.
Fails to work on many popular sites as per the review here and for some reason I have found that it st... ops my network adapter from working properly. This has now happened on multiple laptop devices using Windows 11. Seems to be work better on mobile (iPhone). I stopped using Express VPN and started to use this service but am regretting that decision 100%. Basically, not worth it at all.المزيد