رأي الخبير
آخر تقييم مستخدم إيجابي(لم يتم التحقق من مراجعات المستخدمين)
آخر تقييم مستخدم سلبي(لم يتم التحقق من مراجعات المستخدمين)
رأي الخبير
من الخارج، تبدو NordVPN خدمة مبهرة جدًا. تزعم أن لديها شبكة خوادم عالمية ضخمة، واتصالات موثوقة، وخصائص حماية وخصوصية قوية. بالإضافة لذلك، يمكنك الحصول عليها مقابل $3.39/month فقط. كل ذلك يبدو رائعًا، لكن أين المشكلة؟
لمعرفة ذلك...
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آخر تقييم مستخدم إيجابي
على الأرجح هو أفضل VPN قمت باستخدامه على الإطلاق
أفضل VPN استخدمته على الإطلاق، إنه بسيط للغاية في تحميله واستخدامه في الوصول إلى شبكة الإنترنت، انا أت... ركه مفعلاً طول الوقت. ثبات الاتصال مثير للدهشة ! لقد قمت بتوصيله منذ يومين على جهاز أندرويد ولا زال يعمل حتى الآن.المزيد
آخر تقييم مستخدم سلبي
BUYER BEWARE! If you purchase NordVPN, it will throttle your interned speed/connectivity by 50%, like ... it did to mine. I pay $100/month to get speeds of nearly 600mbs. With NordVPN turned on, my speeds decrease to 250mbs.
Nord’s “customer support” is useless and unprofessional, and, after nearly 3 weeks of endless “try this, try that”, they were unable to resolve the issue and blamed it on everything under the sun except their product, when it is OBVIOUS that, since I have zero speed issues with Nord turned off, and ONLY experience the issues with Nord turned on, it is NordVPN that is causing the issue.
When I asked them for a refund of my one year subscription paid in advance and in good faith, they refused, and have now decided to ignore me.
So, YOU’VE BEEN WARNED. Their VPN will devastate your internet speeds, their “support” is ridiculous, they are in denial, and they will not refund your money, even if their product is a failure…المزيد
رأي الخبير
Avira has an extremely popular free antivirus software and offers both free and premium VPNs. However, just because the company has one renowned security option doesn't mean it makes one of the best VPNs. Can the free Avira VPN really keep you safe, and is it worth trying the premium version?
To find out, I ran extensive tests on everything both versions of Avira Phantom VPN provide. That meant...
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آخر تقييم مستخدم إيجابي
No issues
I have no issues with this VPN (although I admit that it is from my favorite security company). Those ... who write about garbled text, for example, probably have their own operating system issues with which they should be concerned; I do not experience this or any other issue—not even after a clean install of Windows 10.المزيد
آخر تقييم مستخدم سلبي
The only problem i have had is disconnects
Easy to install, speed is good and many servers to choose from. However if I understood the author cor... rectly, there is not an unlimited number of devices you can connect. The first level is only five devices and then the next level is 25 devices. I now have 7 devices with Avira mounted. The problem I have had is that it randomly disconnects. It doesn't seem to happen often, perhaps once a day, but it is disconcerting. Checking with the help desk via email, I was advised to completely uninstall and reinstall, Unfortunately, that has not helped. The other issue is that a site called subscribe star seems to block it sometimes after you have logged in. That is, suddenly you get the "FORBIDDEN" window popping up and you cannot click on anything on the site's screen. I am guessing that the site has some sort of VPN restrictions but I am not sure. I am trying to contact them about the issue. It only seems to happen when I am running VPN.المزيد